The Journal of Low Temperature Physics publishes original papers and review articles on all areas of low temperature physics and cryogenics, including theoretical and experimental contributions.

Subject areas include:

Quantum solids, liquids and gases - including ultra-cold quantum gases and applications to quantum information and processing,

Superfluidity - including macroscopic quantum effects and coherence

Superconductivity - including conventional and non-conventional superconductors

Condensed matter physics - including thermal, magnetic, electronic and transport properties of low temperature matter, mesoscopic phenomena and nanodevices.

Experimental techniques- including low temperature technology and applications

The Journal encourages the submission of Rapid Communications and Special Issues - including Conference Proceedings, as well as short Technical Notes describing recent advances in low temperature techniques and methods.


Neil Sullivan (University of Florida, USA)

Jukka Pekola (Aalto University, Finland)

Paul Leiderer (University of Konstanz, Germany)


C. Barenghi (UK), J. Beamish (Canada), M. Boninsegni (Canada), Hélène Bouchiat (France), J. Clarke (USA), C.Enss (Germany), H. Godfrin (France), P. Hakonen (Finland), R. Haley (UK), W.P. Halperin (USA), E.S. Hernandez (Argentina), P. Hirschfeld (USA), B. Jones (USA), K. Kono (Japan), E. Krotscheck (Austria), A. Lacerda(USA), H.v.Loehneysen (Germany), L. Lu (China),  H. Maris (USA), T. Nikuni (Japan), P. Paturi (Finland), E. Polturak (Israel),  E. Ya Rudavskii (Ukraine), L. Skrbek (Czech Republic), X. Sun (China), D. Tayurskii (Russia), M. Tsubota(Japan)

Additional Information

Journal of Low Temperature Physics (ISSN: 0022-2291) is published monthly by Springer, P.O. Box 322, 3300 AH Dordrecht, the Netherlands, Air freight and mailing by Publications Expediting, Inc. 200 Meacham Avenue, N.Y. 11003.

Address of Springer Editorial staff : 233 Spring Street, New York, N.Y. 10013 1578.

The Journal of Low Temperature Physics is abstracted or indexed in Applied Mechanics Reviews, Chemical Abstracts, Chemical Titles, Current Contents, Energy Research Abstracts, Engineering Index, INSPEC-Electrical and Electronics Abstracts and Physics Abstracts, Metals Abstracts Index, Referativnyi Zhumal, Science Citation Index, Science Research Abstracts-Part A, and Solid State Abstracts Journal.